Unfortunately my internship at visit.brussels was cancelled due the coronavirus. As a replacement, the school decided to build a platform, where we could perform as interns, from scratch. They called it the ‘Creative Lab’. This was a very good and creative idea. All the students whose internships were cancelled, managed to join this platform.
Local Initiatives
At first, I was confused about this project. From the beginning, it wasn’t very clear what was expected of us. The weeks went by and it became clearer. The tourism sector is suffering a lot at the moment. A lot of tourism related organization are closed and have to cancel or postpone their events and activities. Our task during this project is to help local companies during these difficult times. All the students were divided in little hubs. My hub is called ‘Local Initiatives’. Our task is to help owners of small businesses or organizations who are in need of help. The tasks are very diverse, some are very creative whilst others demand more research.
Lately my hub has been helping a company named Intersoc, which is a company that organizes vacations for Flemish people. They decided not to cancel their summer vacations, that’s why they need their activities to be Corona-proof. It’s not easy to come up with activities whilst respecting social distancing. For example, the much-adored game ‘Stratego’ Is difficult to play without getting near each other. Our solution for this is to mix it up with another game, in this case it’s foxtail.
When the children have formed two groups, they have to steal the flag from each other, the first one who succeeds, wins the game. At the beginning of the game every participant will get a ribbon. They’ll place this ribbon as if it were their tail. When the opponent steals their ‘tail’, they have to battle each other. The person with the highest military ranking wins. If they’re from the same ranking, they will have to duel in a game of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’. The person who wins the game, gets the losers ranking points.
Villa Tartine
We also had a task for a Bed & Breakfast named Villa Tartine. They asked us to organize a picknick for their guests. They are celebrating their 10th anniversary this year and want to celebrate it at the same time as their reopening. We gave them ideas and advised them on how to proceed without neglecting the safety measures.
The project is coming to end. Next week is the last week to complete every task properly. This has been a very interesting internship/project and I am glad my school gave me the opportunity to finish this school year without the internship being cancelled.
-Xhelina Kasaj